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Scripts & Tips

Below you will find various scripts and tips gathered over time. There are plenty of other great ones out there but it's always good to stick to the basics.

Month of January

Training Structure

If you are serious about making a lot of money in this industry, take the time to learn one of the scripts below or a script your Closer wants you to learn. This 1 week training structure below provides a great combination of shadowing and self-practice. DO NOT SKIP DAYS 3 & 4! You may feel like you are losing two valuable days of knocking. However, if you skip the practice at home and go knocking instead, you will actually be wasting those 2 days. You will never get through a full conversation (script) with a homeowner because you will stutter and forget too much and it will be pointless because you won’t memorize anything other than homeowners telling you they’re not interested.

You can compare it to playing a new sport. If you are truly serious about it, you would not just go straight to playing a game. You would practice first. This 1 week structure is designed to give you the right combination of shadowing and practice.

Day 1: Shadow Closer doing D2D or another Setter
Day 2: Repeat
Day 3: Practice at home (record yourself to see how you look and sound)
Day 4: Repeat
Day 5: Closer Shadows you doing D2D (advice & tips)
Day 6: Repeat
Day 7: Fully autonomous (you can still coordinate knocking with your Closer
or other co-workers but by this time you should feel comfortable enough to do
this on your own too).

Script - Rate Increase Notice + Public Purpose Program

There are many other scripts that have been adopted by other reps and many scripts that have changed and adjusted over time. But this is an easy and understandable one. 

door to door salesman knocking on door.jpg

 "I’m just trying not to get blown over by the wind!"

At Door

- Let them say something first
- Break pre-occupation/break the ice
- Comment about something unrelated to sales or solar, something they were not expecting (i.e. their shirt, a silly sign in the yard, their plants
- Say something about their dogs, car, team, etc.


(small dogs yapping) "Are those the guard dogs?"

"I’m just working on my tan today!"

(dogs barking) "Ugh oh, sorry to set the alarm."

Objection: Is this for solar?

Business Introduction

Why? Do you get a lot of solar people around here? (Answer) I know I know. There’s a lot. But no, I’m not a solar salesman. But I am here about that issue. I’m actually licensed with the state and part of my job is to make sure you’re not receiving false information / we’re here to correct a lot of the misinformation that has been given out by these solar salespeople. So I am required by the state to not only address false claims but also give you correct
information. So we’re educating the public about the correct Net Metering updates…(continue with script).

man shaking head with arms folded in disagreement.jpg

Objection: I’m not interested

I know. That’s why we’re here. I’m licensed with the state so part of my jobs is to make sure you’re not receiving false information / correct a lot of the misinformation that has been given out by solar salespeople and you’re on the list (let them respond). This is NAME right? (Answer). Okay, so I have to educate the public about the correct Net Metering updates…(continue with script).

Objection: I’m Not Interested

I know! That’s why we’re here. I’m actually licensed with the state. As you know the state is making a huge push for all this renewable energy right, so they’re trying to appeal to more residents who have said no in the past. You’re on the list.
So in an effort to make adjustments to make it more appealing, your feedback is needed. Do you have 2 minutes for your feedback? (Answer). Okay so currently they made it so there is Nothing Out of Pocket. Full coverage of servicing, repairs, insurance and monitoring. A rate reduction between 40-50%. On a scale of 1-10, how do you like these features? (Answer). What can be improved upon if any?

Objection: we don’t want solar

 "Oh, how come?"

"Oh, why didn't it work out?"

"Oh, why did you look at solar in the first place?"

Objection: We don’t want solar / solar doesn’t work

"Sdge/Edison is the most expensive utility company in the nation, it would be
impossible for us not to have something better for you."

Objection: Not Interested

"How come?/I understand. Hmm..well as you know California has state mandates
for solar every home has to have solar in the next 10 years. All the new homes
being built already have solar. And SDGE rates are going through the roof. With
solar, you can cut your bill in half for nothing out of pocket and the solar
company does all the monitoring, maintenance, repairs and insurance. Do you
like throwing away money? (Shake head) / you do like saving money? (Nod

Objection: We’re not going to live that long

"Oh c’mon you seem like a spring chicken. Do you plan on living at least another
year or two? But i do understand your point. And you know, there’s no loan
you’re taking out no lien on the house you’re just getting a cheaper rate of
electricity and locking that in just like gas prices were 5 years ago if you could
lock those in would you not? Do you plan on giving this house to your kids or
grandkids? They will be getting the same thing just a cheaper electricity bill. You
do want to help them out right? And if you end up selling the house, it just
transfers to the new owner so it just looks better that you have a lower electricity
bill and if they want to own it, they can. You just have an independent appraisal
done on the system and add the value as a line item in escrow just like you would
your refrigerator. It just adds value to your home. I don’t know if you’re going to
be able to take advantage of it for 5 years or ten year, but there’s no disadvantage
to doing it. Would you disagree?"

Solidify Appointment

"My approval advisor is going to be here unless he is dead or in the hospital.
(Point finger at them) Are you and your spouse going to be here? Okay, great.
(Point finger at self) So we will be here at __? (let them answer to confirm)"

Appointment Confirmation Text

Hi NAME, it was a pleasure speaking with you. We have your appointment
confirmed for 9am on Saturday 9/3/2022.

If you haven’t already, send me a recent Edison bill or picture of the bar graph so
we can upload it to the system so we have your results readily available when we
arrive. Please make sure you and your wife are both present. We like to have all
parties available to answer all questions.

Please let us know the night before in advance if you need to reschedule. See you

You can text the electric bill to PHONE NUMBER or email EMAIL ADDRESS

Appointment Reminder Text

Good morning NAME! Just want to confirm our 1pm appointment today. See you

The following information below are other scripts that have been used. If you are new to sales or solar sales, do not use these. Stick to the the script at the top of page "Rate Increase Notice + Public Purpose Program"

Script – Net Metering Updates (Full Version)

Script - Public purpose program (a previous version)

Script - Net Metering (Short Version)

Script – Smart Grid Updates

Script – Following up on this Notice

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