This is a technical video explaining how solar works so Reps understand it thoroughly. This, in turn, will help a rep design a design appropriately. This explanation is not recommended when explaining to a customer as it is too technical. But, it is important for Reps to understand it.
Utility Bill – always needed
Best practice is to get full utility bill all pages dated within last 2 months
Some financiers accept a bill dated within the last 6 or 12 months but best practice is to get one within the last 2 months
What is actually needed –
1. Name
2. Address
3. Account / Service number
4. Meter number
5. Rate plan
6. Bar graph
7. Rate schedule (If TOU - rates & times / If Tiered - rates for tiers).
Trust Document - if in a trust
If in a trust, get the trust doc. If it’s a few pages just get all pages. Otherwise, just need documents showing the name of the trust, the trustor and the beneficiaries.
If trustor has passed away, get the Death Certificate also.
Module / Manufactured / Mobile Homes extra docs needed
Financiers periodically change their decision regarding financing manufactured homes. Best practice is to refer to the specific financier desired.
If they allow module / manufactured / mobile homes, they may require some extra documentation. Here are some examples of what may be needed:
To prove it's real property, not personal (auto) - Certificate of Title, Grant deed, or Property tax bill
To prove on permanent foundation - take pictures of the crawl space under the house and picture of the house with the house number
If in a mobile home park -
1.Proof of permanent foundation
2. Proof that the customer owns the land the home is on (or proof that they’re leasing it for 25 years or more).
3. Proof of structural integrity (from a structural engineer) before NTP.
4.For all LLC deals we require the following:
a. A single Tax ID with a maximum of 2 owners.
b. The homeowner provides the LLC Incorporation Documents or LLC Operating Agreement.
c. The agreement must be generated in the name of the single member of the LLC.
Savings Sheet
Please make sure to save this excel sheet as your own copy. If you don’t save it as your own copy, you would be using the same sheet and another user could potentially be using it and editing numbers on it simultaneously.
Roof Directions
SW - best
S – excellent
SE – near excellent
W & E - great
W – ngreat
East – good
North – bad
Roof Types
​Each installer varies on what they view as acceptable roof types. But here is a list of generality.
Yes – shingles, concrete tile, rolled roof, flat roof (adder)
No – clay tile, metal r-panel, corrugated metal, seamless metal, decra, wood shake