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Steps to Obtain HIS License

A salesperson on a solar contract must have a valid HIS (Home Improvement Salesperson) license in California, Connecticut and Maryland. The steps below detail how to apply for and obtain your HIS license for California. 


NOTE: You can still canvass without the HIS license. But a closer with a valid HIS license must be present for conducting the sale.


NOTE – The application website is very intuitive. Just read the directions carefully and be sure not to make any mistakes when filling out the application form.

Visit the link above. Read the directions. Click the start button to fill in all of your information. Once it is completed, it will prompt you to print your completed application form.


Mail the completed form and enclose a check for $200 (at the time of this writing it is $200 for the CA HIS registration application). Mail it to the address as directed on the website.


Once your application has been accepted by the CSLB, they will send you instructions to complete fingerprinting, usually via live scan.


The CSLB will mail your CA HIS license to your address you listed on the application. It normally takes around 45 days to get your license after Step 2 above. You can check on the status of your application here -

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