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Current Bonuses

Review the list below to see our current bonuses you can qualify for today!

Recruit a Closer Bonus

 $500 per install for Closer’s first 5 installs

Recruit a Setter Bonus

If the setter you recruited becomes a Closer, you get $500 per install for the first 5 installs of the newly promoted Closer.

New Promoted Closer Split

Your Setter becomes a Closer – If your Designated Setter becomes a Closer, 50/50 split between you and the newly promoted Closer for the first 5 installs (once the newly promoted Closer is closing on his/her own without your assistance or supervision). Note - Due to the helpful nature of reps in the industry, in some cases a Setter may end up working with other Closers on any given day. Therefore, to receive this new promoted closer 50/50 split, the Designated Setter must have been trained by you a majority of the time vs any other Closer, if applicable. It must be clear that you were the Closer that did a majority of the training for the Setter. If another Closer claims to have trained the Setter too in effort to claim the newly promoted closer 50/50 split, this will have to be brought up with management to decide how to split.

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