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Full Close Breakdown Videos

DISCLAIMER: These videos are for educational purposes only and do not constitute a requirement to perform.

Please read the description of each video prior to watching.

General Sales Process Flow Required on Every Deal

1. Contract

2. Welcome Call or Online Checklist

3. Schedule Site Survey

4. Send in Utility Bill & Link Account to Signed Contract if not linked



Intro / chit-chat leading into Q’s (write answers down)

  • how long have you lived here?

  • Any plans to move?

  • How many people live here?

  • When would you say your household typically starts and stops using electricity?

  • Any plans to get an EV, pool, jacuzzi, switch any gas appliances to electric?

  • Anything else I should be aware of as I am designing this system to match your needs?

  • Do you have any questions for me?

List the topics you’ll be covering today

Explain UB

  • Bar graph

  • Your rate schedule (Domestic, TOU, etc)

  • The rates for your rate schedule

  • Transmission, distribution, nuclear dec, ppp, new system gen

Show Utility Stock
Show CPUC Rate Change Advisories
Show10 year average increase

SCE stock - click here

SDGE stock - click here

CPUC - click here

Changes in cost of electricity over time - click here

SDGE website explanations - click here

How Solar Works

Visual - click here

Meats & Potatoes

Visual - click here

Responsibility Check

Draw T-chart on their UB ideally or piece of paper - on left side write Edison numbers (tip: in certain situations, you may not want to write all of these down)

  • Current usage

  • Their rates

  • Average rate

  • Winter bills

  • Summer bills

  • Average bill

  • Increases 10-20% per year

On right side write Solar numbers (match all the same items you wrote down for Edison.

Tip: this is where you can put yourself in a tough situation. i.e. they are on care and their average rate is 26 cents. Doesn’t look the best to compare the average rate. Or another example where it doesn't look good is you are only doing 85 or 90% offset and you already wrote down their current usage).

  • Write down same items you wrote for Edison

  • You qualified for 2 options 3.5% for inflation vs fixed

  • Between these two options, which one is better for for you guys?

Savings Sheet

Please make sure to save this excel sheet as your own copy. If you don’t save it as your own copy, you would be using the same sheet and another user could potentially be using it and editing numbers on it simultaneously.


Draw T-chart on their UB ideally or piece of paper - on left side write Edison numbers (tip: in certain situations, you may not want to write all of these down)

On right side write Solar numbers (match all the same items you wrote down for Edison.

Tip: this is where you can put yourself in a tough situation. i.e. they are on care and their average rate is 26 cents. Doesn’t look the best to compare the average rate. Or another example where it doesn't look good is you are only doing 85 or 90% offset and you already wrote down their current usage).

  • Write down same items you wrote for Edison

  • You qualified for 2 options 3.5% for inflation vs fixed

  • Between these two options, which one is better for for you guys?

Savings Sheet

Please make sure to save this excel sheet as your own copy. If you don’t save it as your own copy, you would be using the same sheet and another user could potentially be using it and editing numbers on it simultaneously.



Verification Call

  • Sunrun - 833-362-5137

  • Sunrun Spanish - 833-372-5137

  • Enfin - 833-586-3677

  • EverBright does an online checklist rather than a call

Site Survey

Brightplanet - 385-482-0274

  • Option 1 for Sales

  • Option 1 to schedule site survey


The visual in the video is no longer available. However, we have a similar visual on our website. A screen-shot of it is available here - click here

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